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YXZ1000R SS on GP track at Durhamtown
Yamaha Yxz 1000 First Lap at Durhamtown Kryptic SXS Race GP Track
Yxz1000r ss runing 2 laps on Durhamtown GP track 2017
Durhamtown GP track 1st ride on Yamaha YXZ1000R SS XT-R Sxs
YXZ1000R SS taking a final run on the GP track at Durhamtown right before closing
Yamaha YXZ1000R Durhamtown Ga, Grand Prix track
YXZ GP track at Durhamtown.
Matt riding YXZ1000R SS on GP track Durhamtown
Durhamtown Off Road Resort (GP Track laps)
Rollover save in the Yxz at Durhamtown on the Gp Track
YXZ with Trinity and tune takes a great jump on GP Track Durhamtown
Yamaha YXZ1000R Durhamtown Rhythm Track